Friday, August 28, 2009


Learn new languages wherever you are whenever you want

Myngle is the global language marketplace, where teachers and students from all over the world myngle, understand each other better and have fun. As they learn new languages and cultures. Myngle offers a solution by providing students and teachers in different locations with a complete online language instruction platform, containing all the tools needed for synchronous e-learning.

Myngle is .... for students and teachers to sign up and provides an online environment for live individual and group lessons for basically any language and level from any type of teacher. You can choose your own teacher or student depending on your specific needs, availability and price! If you are a student, you can try out a demo lesson with your selected teacher before you have to pay anything.

Whether you are a complete beginner or require advanced conversational practice, Myngle will have a solution for you. And you can take or give language lessons from the comfort of your home at the times when you desire. Whether one evening lesson one week and 3 morning lessons the following weeks, you decide! There will be no more need to find a native speaker near your home location and no more traveling time. No need for a physical classroom any more. Myngle also eliminates the need for face-to-face interaction between students and teachers.

Myngle is an open and free market exchange, where any skilled teacher will be selling language lessons (and related materials) to prospective students.

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